Monday, May 21, 2012

What to do when the prospect says “I want to think it over”?


sad guy cpaYou’ve done all your selling, you sense its time to close, you close and then something awful happens. The prospect says “I want to think it over”. 

Now what do you do?  How do you regain control and get to “Yes” and a PO ?

Don’t panic. There is a very powerful way to regain control and get the sale right then and there. 


The approach and dialog goes something like this:

key-to-success· You say "I can understand that you want to think it over but what is it that you need to think about".

· immediately, after an ever so slight pause continue your sentence with "is it the roi in 3 years and then 30% a year savings above what you now spend showing up in the third year on v the current approach and the xx$ back in your treasury that it delivers?”

· Then immediately ask Ask "is that what you want to think about"? The prospect has not gotten in a word at this point and should not!

· That dual question sentence is Critical, at this juncture. If you stop at “what is it you need to think about” the answer will be surely be "everything" and you will lose control over the way the prospect evaluates your proposal and probably lose the sale as well.


shutup· Now, SHUT IP!  

Pause after the second part of your question and wait for the answer. Wait for a reply even if its an eternity or seems like one because the prospect is thinking about what you just said and now evaluating its worth right then and there, not later on.

The prospect’s answer dictates your next move

· It may be "you are right, lets do it"   Close then and get the PO because your sale is made at that point.

· or, It may be "no, that’s not what i want to think over" and you then say "is it the ability to double production w/o doubling cost that you want to think about"? a second agreed to point about the benefits of adopting your proposal.  Wait again for an answer and do not talk first, let the prospect speak next no matter how long you have to wait .

· If you exhaust all of your value points in the process and still have not gotten to a Yes, then say “Since you have said that none of these points are what you need to revisit, then, what exactly do you need to think over?” That gets you to the hidden objection, the real objection and a chance to address it on the spot.

j0436305Starting to see the magic of this approach yet? 

· In a non threatening way, in a normal conversational tone, you have made the prospect refocus on the points that they valued and consider them on the spot instead of later.

· You have successfully taken the pressure off the prospect by acknowledging the need to "think about it". The atmosphere is now relaxed and much of the prospect’s decision making stress is gone.

· You essentially regain control over the decision making process with a summary close of the values and benefits your prospect agreed were important to their business or needs in a way that gets each carefully thought through by the prospect and reconsidered one point at a time

· No need to “think it over” anymore because the prospect just did exactly that.

happy girlIt should position you for an on the spot close done that way. Try it next time you hear those dreaded words “I want to think it over”.

Regards, Neil Licht, CEO, HereWeAre