Friday, March 12, 2010

Tips on How To Sell in a Rough Economy


Here is what I am seeing out in the market place and some ideas on how to deal with the current economic situation. These tips are really for Salespeople who are selling a service and /or a product in a business to business environment.

What You Are Seeing:

1. Delayed closings
2. Getting less appointments
3. Companies are spending less money
4. Clients going away

Customer Objections:

1. Spending freezes
2. Putting things on hold
3. Layoffs
4. Cutting back

The Reality-Opportunity is Still Alive and Well:

1. There are really no spending freezes if something is seen as a critical "need"
2. There is still plenty of business being conducted today
3. People are just scared
4. Some people are just taking advantage
5. People are still greedy
6. Entrepreneurs are still Risk Takers
7. People still want to believe
8. This is the 3rd recession since 1987 predicting gloom and doom
9. This could be the worst one yet
10. Some businesses boom in a recession
11. Hidden weaknesses of your selling process and salespeople gets exposed
12. People actually want the help
13. People will always complain “until you’re the guy with the solution”

The Winning Strategy:

1. You should be more focused on who you should sell to2. Aim bigger, not smaller3. Aim higher, not lower4. Make fewer appointments5. Empathize with issues – not excuses6. Develop bigger goals7. Smaller window-not bigger

The Strategic Tactics:

1. Nail your 30 second positioning statement that can create a need to "hear you out"
2. Give at least two examples in your positioning statement that can relate to your audience
3. Be more selective – not less in who you go after and "opportunities" you chase
4. Be more focused on your service and/or product – do not generalize
5. Sell to the right person – CEO or President
6. Book your appointment – Accept no put-off’s
7. Book only three new appointments per week
8. To get 3 appointments means 6 conversations per day/30 calls per week
9. That means 24 Dials a day
10. That equates to 78 minutes per day on the phone

Executing the Tactics:

1. Book the appointment
2. Hold your ground
3. Create urgency – can’t afford to put it off
4. Create an Economic Stimulus

This is timely and great information and I’m sure you will find it useful!
A wise person once said "If it is to be its up to me".

I hope this message helps everyone to get on point and do well.

Regards,Neil Licht Answers 508-481-8567

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